Real Life Witches: Pop-Culture Expectations vs. Our Reality

Meet Andrea (aka BarbiePunk), alternative fashion YouTuber and witch extraordinaire.

We are so excited to share our latest video collaboration with you on how you picture witches vs. what we’re actually like. We love TV shows and movies like Sabrina, Charmed, and The Craft, but contrary to many pop culture references, witches aren’t the virgin-sacrificing, blood-letting creeps that television and books may lead you to believe.

Real witches don’t always memorize our rituals…or always have black eyeliner on hand. Many real-life witches, just like us, make up quick spells. We go to work and school. We are parents (as you can tell in most of my videos).

We might even wear pink.

Self Love Magic, it’s been a blessing to connect. We can’t wait to share more on self-love and witchcraft with you.

BarbiePunk’s YouTube channel covers everything from kawaii fashion to witchcraft and nerd culture. Subscribe to BarbiePunk’s YouTube channel.


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