Eating Disorders: 10 Ways to Help Prevent Serious Complications

It was around this time last year that I posted a Facebook status as a public service announcement for individuals with an eating disorder. The post was a compiled list of self-care tips and tricks specifically geared towards bulimics and individuals who make themselves throw up (also known as purging). That post was flagged and taken down. Because these safety tips can make a huge difference, I am thrilled to be able to share them here.

I come from a long background of depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. While I knew that having an eating disorder wasn’t safe, I lived under the assumption that they only became dangerous after you lost a certain amount of weight. I wasn’t even close to that threshold. I had no clue that I was walking the line between life and death. That line was a lot thinner than I ever imagined.

Many individuals suffer from bulimia and OSFED. OSFED, or “Otherwise Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders” (previously known as EDNOS, or “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified”) is a diagnosis used to describe those who exhibit disordered behaviors with eating, and perhaps body dysmorphia, but may not be at the “proper” weight to be diagnosed with anorexia. Many individuals with eating disorders use a variety of behaviors, from restriction to binging and purging, but are within a medically “safe” weight range.

I was exactly there. It took years before I met a medical professional who acknowledged that having an eating disorder, regardless of your weight, puts you at risks for many health complications.

I realized that even people in my recovery and treatment center had no insight into things that they couldn’t see. We knew we were at risk for weight loss and bone loss and even tooth loss. But we didn’t understand why we blacked out, what would keep our heart from fluttering, and how to stay safe even when acting on unhealthy behaviors.

After much research, I felt it was my responsibility to educate people on dangerous eating disorder behaviors and how to stay as safe as possible. My original Facebook post was kept up for a mere 24 hours before Facebook removed it, saying that I “did not adhere to community guidelines.”

In my opinion, saving someone from brain damage, organ failure, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, tachycardia, loose teeth, a torn stomach lining, seizures, and death is 100% stepping up to do good for our community.

Please read the list below and share it with others who may suffer from an eating disorder. If you have additional suggestions, please write me in the comments and I will be happy to edit the article. If you have personal questions, feel free to message me.

At this point, I would like to put a #TriggerWarning in this article. Some of the tips may mention graphic actions of eating disorder–related behaviors and consequences. Please read at your own risk.

A screenshot of my post on “Eating Disorder Prevention – Health and Safety Tips.” Censored, flagged, and removed for a community violation.

If you are bulimic or make yourself throw up regularly and you are not aware of aftercare and harm reduction, please read this PSA. These steps will guide you on how to do the least amount of harm possible to your body.

On a more personal note, I was not aware that I was purging in a way that is extremely dangerous and strenuous on the heart and in most cases is the cause of death (by flushing). Now that I know, I feel it is my responsibility to educate. I want you to stay as safe as possible.




I repeat: Never use a toothbrush to stick down your throat.

Toothbrushes I know this seems silly, but you can actually drop it down your throat. Someone in my treatment center had to have surgery to remove it. Any tool that doesn’t belong there can easily get compacted or, worse, puncture your insides. If you must induce vomiting, use freshly washed fingers with trimmed nails, not a toothbrush or any other utensil.


Bottle of water

Online “pro-anorexia” and “pro-bulimic” tips circulate widely. One such “tip” is a technique for throwing up called “flushing,” where you drink water, force yourself to vomit, and then repeat the process over and over again until the water you just drank runs clear. This was something I did without question. But flushing is actually HOW PEOPLE DIE. Now, no matter what, I know this is a dangerous thing to do. It is WAY more traumatic on the body than just drinking with your meal or drinking after your meal and puking as much as you can in one go (without going back to drink more). Repeating the process several times messes with the balance of your electrolytes, which may impact your heart’s electrical impulses and cause other issues. We see electrolyte imbalance, including a potassium deficiency, in the famous 2005 case of Terri Schiavo, who went brain-dead from this exact type of imbalance. Yes, she was an active bulimic.


While it may seem counter-intuitive to not take a deep breath before a purge, there is a good reason not to. Online pro–eating disorder “gurus” will tell you that purging is easier if you take a deep breath to help the food come up. While it may be “easier,” it also puts you at very high risk for aspirating food into your lungs. In other words, food that you are attempting to purge may end up getting breathed into the lung and caught there. This is not only is this incredibly uncomfortable, but it can quickly cause a fatal lung infection. If this happens to you, get to the hospital right away.


Sometimes you might find red blood in your vomit. In many cases, that could be from scratching your throat, but in some cases it is not. If you see blood, stop purging immediately.

Coffee groundsIf you see a substance come up that looks like DRIED COFFEE GROUNDS, please seek medical attention ASAP. This is blood that is coming not from scratching your throat or gums but from your intestines. It is a sure sign you need to be seen by a professional right away.


The best thing you could do if you are currently using behaviors and not in recovery would be to drink with your meal, only purge once, and then replenish electrolytes immediately after. Same goes for anyone who uses or abuses laxatives, stool softeners, “diet teas,” or colon cleanses. Gatorade is okay, but it really does not contain enough electrolytes to replenish you. I chew on Nuun tablets for concentrated electrolytes or drink a bottle of Pedialyte. Yes, a whole bottle. This is important because when your heart fucks up, it’s because you don’t do this.

Woman at the beach

I also recommend making coconut water and sports drinks part of your daily intake, regardless of your health.


If your teeth are like mine, they hurt and are loose, and if they are worse than mine, they are becoming see-through from lack of enamel. This is because the acid from throwing up is wearing away at them. You can restore the pH in your mouth by swishing with baking soda in water after a purge or brushing with baking soda only.

Dentist office
Photo by Michael Browning on Unsplash

Never brush your teeth immediately after a purge! Doing this actually rubs acid into your teeth, destroying the enamel further. If you have to, swish with mouthwash. Then wait 30 minutes to an hour before brushing.


MedicationsIf you take any pills, purging them can really mess up the dose—you likely won’t get them all out of your tummy and the medication may metabolize in ways you can’t predict. Sometimes this means the medication could be weaker or it could have severe side effects. Some medications (like Wellbutrin) can cause seizures from throwing them up. Try not to purge around medication time. Please call a doctor if you have questions.


Diet pills are always dangerous. No matter who says what. Ephedrine was banned for a reason—because consumers were having heart attacks. I highly recommend substituting your fat-burning pills, Ephedrine, or meth-related stimulants for plain coffee. I know you probably already live on coffee, but get this—you are alive. Continue taking these pills and you won’t be alive for long. They are highly addictive and very, very, very dangerous for someone who already stresses their organs out on a daily basis. Maybe the average HEALTHY person can handle a low dose of these pills once in a while, but if you restrict, purge, or take laxatives, chances are these types of pills are one straight shot to organ failure and cardiac arrest.


Do it. Please. Calcium and vitamins C, D, and B. Your body will thank you.

Bowl of citrus


Tachycardia is common in people with eating disorders. It’s where the heart adds an extra beat or flutters a bit. By incorporating potassium into your diet, you may be able to reverse this issue. I used to get a funky heartbeat when I stood up quickly. Foods that are high in potassium like DATES, AVOCADO, and BANANA are VERY important to your diet and heart health. Eat them as a preventative daily.

If you are experiencing abnormalities in your heart, do not reach for the banana and call it a day. Call your cardiologist first. They will listen to your heart, find the problem, and then put you on a recommended treatment plan.


Thank you all for taking the time to read my self-care and aftercare tips for those who purge. Please share it with your friends and do your very best to take care of yourself!


Woman on a bench

I do not endorse eating disorders in any way shape or form, nor am I a medical professional. Please consult a medical professional for eating disorder–related questions. If you need emergency assistance, please call 911 or head to your nearest emergency room.

Warning signs of bulimia include:

  • Frequent trips to the bathroom during or after meals
  • Laxatives or diuretics lying around
  • Excessive exercising after meals
  • Vomit odor on breath or clothes
  • Vomit on or near the toilet from splatter
  • Tooth decay from chronic vomiting
  • Calluses or scrapes on knuckles or hands
  • Mood swings
  • Depression or withdrawal from social activities
  • Guilt after eating and/or self-criticism

If you or someone you care about suffers from bulimia, please get help.

At Self Love Magic, we care a great deal for our readers who are suffering from mental illness, chronic illness, and other health problems. We are pro-health, pro-recovery, and pro–self-care. If you wish to share your story, write an article for us, or let us interview you, please fill out the form on our Contact Page.


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