
Green van traveling down road
The author, Courtney Loechl, is a Make Shit Happen coach, hostel management consultant, and avid world traveler. With a focus on consistent, tangible steps paired with the right mindset, she guides her clients to transform overwhelm into action in order to grow their businesses and achieve...
Lone tree on pink ground and a clear sky
The author, Courtney Loechl, is a Make Shit Happen coach, hostel management consultant, and avid world traveler. With a focus on consistent, tangible steps paired with the right mindset, she guides her clients to transform overwhelm into action in order to grow their businesses and achieve...
Woman with arms raised at beach during sunset
The author, Courtney Loechl, is a Make Shit Happen coach, hostel management consultant, and avid world traveler. With a focus on consistent, tangible steps paired with the right mindset, she guides her clients to transform overwhelm into action in order to grow their businesses and achieve...
Hand holding rainbow heart against sky
The author, Courtney Loechl, is a Make Shit Happen coach, hostel management consultant, and avid world traveler. With a focus on consistent, tangible steps paired with the right mindset, she guides her clients to transform overwhelm into action in order to grow their businesses and achieve...
Francesca Lia Block gives Self Love Magic readers her very own guide to Los Angeles. Francesca is the award-winning author of the Weetzie Bat series and memoir/how-to writing guide The Thorn Necklace: Healing Through Writing and the Creative Process. LA's Dangerous Angels propels you through a city of punk rock...
Real Life Witchesvideo
Meet Andrea (aka BarbiePunk), alternative fashion YouTuber and witch extraordinaire. We are so excited to share our latest video collaboration with you on how you picture witches vs. what we're actually like. We love TV shows and movies like Sabrina, Charmed, and The Craft, but contrary to many pop culture...
Tea Tray
Have you noticed that there is something in the air today? It's 420, of course you have! This is the time of the year where weed, ganja, cannabis, the green goddess is celebrated and exalted. 420 is a great cause for celebration, but we challenge you to "check yo' self before...
Trans Pride Converse sneakers
With the help of LGBTQ+ activist, actor, and singer Miley Cyrus, founder of the Happy Hippie Foundation, Converse has been creating an exclusive Pride line of sneakers since early 2017. The Pride collection "celebrates those who advocate for a tomorrow where youth are free to be their true authentic selves." Now...
Hemp leaf
Do you smoke cannabis? Do you always seem to notice when the clock turns to 4:20? The reason for that might just be rooted in Jewish mysticism.   Seeing numbers with frequency can be fascinating. Many refer to these as angel numbers, from the belief that angels are in communication with you. By...
Protein Greens Salad with avocado
Looking for an easy-to-make but filling plant-based salad? Look no further! This Quick Spinach Salad crafted by Home With Willow comes together in 20 minutes and is made up of nutrient-packed green veggies, protein, and healthy fats! Ingredients for the Salad: 1 Cucumber 1 Onion, Small 5 Handfuls Spinach 1/2 Bunch Parsley 1 Avocado 2 cups Chickpeas, Cooked or Canned 1/2 cup Quinoa uncooked,...

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