7 Perfectly Weird Amazon Products That We Need to Own

Self Love Magic has put together a list of the weirdest/cutest products that we needed to own, like yesterday.

Every single one is available on Amazon.

It might be difficult to resist the “one-click buy” and Amazon Prime’s unreal shipping.

We know we couldn’t…

1. These Hippie Grass Flip-Flops

I can’t decide if I love or hate these grass flip-flops but I totally want them anyways. These seem like they will keep you feeling grounded all day! If nothing else, you’ll at least get a bunch of smiles. See the lowest price on Amazon.

2. Corgi Butt Shorts

I love corgis. They are so cute with their little tiny legs. Now you can be a corgi too with these super cute bloomers. They are ridiculously soft and comfy.

TOMORI Cute Corgi Butt Bloomers Lolita Pants Pajama Shorts Animal Plush Loungewear Sleepwear

See the lowest price on Amazon.

3. Wowza LED Eyelashes

These eyelashes are great for taking your look up a notch at Burning Man. These also make for a great futuristic cosplay. See the lowest price on light-up eyelashes on Amazon.

4. The GoGirl

I will be real with you, readers. My good friend gifted me a GoGirl because I spend so much time sitting in traffic and have a tiny bladder. The instructions clearly state to PRACTICE before using it. Naturally, I think practicing is for suckers. Well, let me tell you, it isn’t. My first time using the GoGirl ended with me sitting in a pool of my own urine on the 101 freeway. Not my proudest moment.

GoGirl Female Urination Device + Germ Resistant Portable Urinals for Women, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Activities & More with Medical Grade Silicone (Reusable) - Pink/Lavender

I have indeed used it successfully since, so my advice to you is to make sure to get a good suction first. See the lowest price on Amazon.

5. Bananya, the Cat-in-a-Banana Plushie

This is the cutest stuffed animal/stuffed fruit I own. Its peel velcros together so the cat can hide in its banana home.

Funko Plush Bananya Toy

See the lowest price on Amazon.

5. This Googly Eye Animal Thong

Promising review: "It's awesome. My boyfriend and I laughed for a good hour after unpacking it. Every time our eyes met the elephant's it'd start all over again." â??Heather AlvaradoPrice: $6.99 (available in four colors)

I don’t even know what to write here. Just buy this. I really like the red one, in case anyone wanted to get me a present. See the lowest price on Amazon.

6. These Kawaii ’Shroom Salt/Pepper Shakers

Holyshrooms, these are so cute! Kawaiify your home with these little guys—they would make a great housewarming gift.

Streamline Mushroom Salt & Pepper Shakers

See the lowest price on Amazon.

7. These Coffee Mugs

Coffee is already the nectar of the gods/esses. The only way I think I could make it better is if there was a really cute animal popping out of my mug. They just make your morning brighter.

See the lowest price on Amazon.

Are we missing an absolutely crucial, perfectly weird item on this list? Let us know in the comments and we will include it in our next listicle!


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