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Kitchen Witch Magic by Mint Faery: Herbs 101

Meet Mint Faery, one of our favorite witches and contributors over here at Self Love Magic. In this video, she talks us through the...

Reiki 101: Frequently Asked Questions

1. First off, what exactly is Reiki? Reiki is a healing modality that is used to balance the body. It treats the body's physical and...
Tea Tray

Love Yourself This 420 With These Cannabis-Infused Self-Care Ideas

Have you noticed that there is something in the air today? It's 420, of course you have! This is the time of the year where...
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Welcome the Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 2019

The July Full Moon is hitting us with a vengeance and intent on helping us toward our ultimate success and capabilities. Each Full Moon...

Kitchen Witch Magic by Mint Faery: Herbs 101

Meet Mint Faery, one of our favorite witches and contributors over here at Self Love Magic. In this video, she talks us through the...
Crystals, candles, and lavender

A Simple Skincare Routine for Depression

In 2018, my life was a disaster. I had no routine outside of my part-time day job which was unfulfilling. Even getting myself out...

Give the Earth the Present It Deserves This Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, folks! In celebration of the lovely Gaia, Mother Earth, I wanted to write about a few easy ways you can contribute...
Born This Way unicorn jacket

Top 10 Affordable Unicorn Styles for 2019

Are you still obsessing about unicorns? So are we. Here's a list of our top must-have products for unicorn lovers that will sparkle up your...
The Magician Tarot card

Learn Tarot Today: The Magician

Card #1 – The Magician If The Fool is like a baby in the tarot deck, because he blissfully knows nothing, then The Magician is...
Hand holding rainbow heart against sky

Queerness, Bi Invisibility, and the Power of Labels

The author, Courtney Loechl, is a Make Shit Happen coach, hostel management consultant, and avid world traveler. With a focus on...
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